Hula Hoop

A playful and colorful rug collection

Hula Hoop Circle
 Hula Hoop Rug | model Circle | colors combination A

Summer is for carefree, playful days. The season of open-day fun, adventures, and travel has inspired Deanna Comellini to design Hula Hoop, a new collection of rugs with the name and shapes of the iconic circular game.

While creating the circular and oval-shaped rugs, she thought of the philosophy of movement and instruments of connections such as trains, cars, and planes, which have become symbols of freedom and cutting-edge technology. In particular, she researched the elegant combination of colors and patterns used in vintage vehicles and showcased them in the collection.

Hula Hoop Rug | model Track | colors combination I

Hula Hoop comes in seven color combinations:

Pennsy, a brick-shade red with white and orange accents chosen as an ode to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company trains’ color scheme, whose luxury trains used to connect Chicago and New York.

Racing, as ‘racing green, the official color of British race cars from the early 1900s to the end of the Sixties.

Jet, a metallic gray recalling the shade of an airplane’s fuselage.

Hula Hoop is available in three models, two circular and one oval-shaped, with a ribbed texture handmade in a non-toxic technical yarn resistant to bacterial contamination. Hula Hoop is suitable for outdoor spaces exposed to sunlight and indoor wellness areas, kitchens, and bathrooms, helping maintain a healthy environment. A versatile product adaptable in various settings requires minimal maintenance, and is double-faced. 

At the end of a very long life, Hula Hoop is also a 100% recyclable.

  • Hula Hoop Frame
Hula Hoop Models and colors